Proper exam preparation is the key to successful exam writing as well as minimizing exam stress. Looking ahead and planning is one of the most important steps; you should start reviewing 5 weeks in advance! Check out our Study Tips and Planning Guide to help you get started!
It is easy to let exam preparation fall to the bottom of the priority list when you are completing end of year projects, writing unit tests and still learning new material, but you will thank yourself for setting up a study plan in May and booking your review sessions!
We create clearly outlined study plans and offer special exam review sessions tailored to your needs. These sessions include:
a thorough review of key concepts and terms
proven review packages with additional practice questions
tutorial on how to make study notes
guidance on how to organize course materials
outline of different study methods and techniques
Time slots always fill up fast, so sign up as soon as possible to make sure you get the times that work for you!
Our lower level offers additional work space!